Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well last night at Jose and Elizabeths was a blast. We got there around 6:30. They just bought their first house in the Lake Ave/ Flower City Park area. A big beautiful old house. The guys grilled steaks on their huge deck while us girls walked around the house and talked about all the possibilities. Supper was steak, rice, broccoli and cauliflower followed by "Chocolate Pudding Pie" with bananas and chocolate chips. Then we went to Adventure Landing and played a game of mini golf. It was the Kirklands against the Rosenbaums..Final score..Ken 44, Jose 44, Elizabeth 44, Me 41 So thanks to my 2 hole in ones and Elizabeth having a hard time on one hole Ken and I won. Jose said they let us win coz we paid for the game...LOL..He's a funny man. We really had a fantastic time of fun and fellowship. We didn't get home till after 10:30. Its made me want to have more get togethers. Its fun getting to know people. Today I went over to Nicole's and helped her load a futon in the van and take it over to Jim's Mom's. Nicole and Jim ordered new furniture that's going to be delivered Saturday. Then we came home and I finished making supper. We had BBQ'd pull porked, potatoe and macaroni salad. Nicole is now in laying down coz she has to do an overnight tonight. Oh I almost forgot!!! My cell phone rang this morning with a strange number showing. I answered and it was my Shaun!!!! He said they should be back stateside sometime in August. MP school starts next May and ends in August. He figures he should be at Fort Drum sometime in September 2010. Its so far away. He said he's really bored over there. I'm glad coz that means he's not in the midst of the bad stuff. Its hard to believe he's been gone 10 months. This Saturday is his birthday..he'll be 30. It hit me all of a sudden that a year ago now he was home..here in NY. Well...I guess that's it for today.

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