Thursday, June 25, 2009


Ok...I think I'm ready...or as close to ready as I can be...Done: Picked and washed lettuce from the garden, vaccumed, taco meat made for Taco Salad but its one of those throw together at the last minute things, Broccoli Salad made, I think all I have left to do is grill burgers, make homemade potato wedges, and throw the Taco Salad together. It sure seems like I did more then that but I don't remember what it was. Sammy is bringing the kids over later..Yippeee...I can't wait to see them. Sometime this week end we have to get the car inspected. Ken's working on that.Oh yeah...and I did dishes at least twice. Glad the rain brought some cooler weather. Windows are open and the breeze is blowing and the house is cooling down.

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