Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Busy busy...tired

So the antibiotics I've been on are kicking my butt. They're fighting so hard I don't have the energy to. Last Friday we went to the memorial service for Jim's grandma and then over to his parents house to hang out for a while. Saturday Ken and I went grocery shopping, then to a village band concert at Cherry Ridge and his Dad got in town to pick up Jen. Sunday we went to church. Monday Dad and Jen left, I did laundry, mowed the lawn and Jim and Nicole came over for a BBQ and we played a WII game. Tuesday I went to Lowe's and bought Mom a new mini cultivator coz her's died, baby sat for my hair dresser while she went to Food Link, Nicole and I met Ken in Fairport for a car show and to have pizza. Then we came back to the house and I sat with Nicole until she had to go to work at midnight. This morning I went to my MOmmy's and cultivated her garden, sprayed weeds, ate lunch and helped her burn her papers. I'm so tired. I need to get a solid more then 5 1/2 hours of sleep. Antibiotics are done Saturday so maybe then. That's all.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

after our massage on Saturday Im sure you will sleep like a baby!!!