Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Monday

Thursday I mowed the lawn again with the grass catcher on and put the clippings next to the house to keep the weeds down until I can get my grow beds built. Then I went and sat with the grandkids for a couple of hours while Samantha went to a jewelry party. Friday I baby sat for my hair dressers 2 year old at my house. Ken was off so the 3 of us went grocery shopping. He and she had a blast chasing me around the stores with the cart. Saturday we had absolutely NOTHING to do..I laid on the couch most of the day reading..I finished one book and read another entire one. True they aren't huge books but still. We walked down to Hobby Lobby so Ken could get some stuff for the rockets he's been working on. We've just gotten back into that after not doing it for several years. For lunch I grilled burgers on the grill, made a mac salad and ate a few left overs. Right after lunch I made 2 pizza crusts and par baked them so we could have homemade pizza for supper..Did I mention my $40 buyers remorse over the boughten pizzas last week end. OH mozzerella or pepperoni so later we walked down to Wegmans got what we needed and walked home. The first pizza was just a plain cheese pepperoni mushroom onion pizza..The second I got more creative. 2/3 tomato sauce, 1/3 taco sauce, just a little mozzerella mixed with a larger amount of Mexican cheese, taco meat, mushrooms, onions...oh man...that thing was awesome!!!!! I ate way to much. But its definitely something we'll make again. After the pizzas were all made it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't put any seasonings on the first one. Didn't seem to make a difference...we demolished them both. I didn't know if I'd be able to do the laundry today because it was supposed to rain but now they say it isn't supposed to rain till tonight so the laundry is on the line in the sunshine, flapping in the wind...I need to walk to the bank and then to the library in alittle while and then come home and mow the lawn. off I go

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