Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trying to catch up

Ok lets see if I can remember all I did since a week ago yesterday. NOpe..I can't. LOL. I have no idea what I did Thursday. Friday I tried to get the house picked up in anticipation of a week with the grandkids. Grandkids got here around 5:30 ish...just hung out the rest of the night. Saturday Ken, Ian and I went grocery shopping while Kayla and Colin hung out here with Aunt Jen. Sunday was church. They still have a hard time figuring out why we go to church on Sunday night but they did great. Came home and had nachos. Monday...was laundry day. Boy oh Boy did I have 5 lines full of laundry. The towels had to wait until some of the clothes were dry to be hung out but the wind was blowing alittle so the towels didn't wait that long to be put out. All the laundry got done on the same day. Tuesday we went to Springdale Farm. I wasn't overly impressed but I'm going to give it another try this summer. I have to remember that its still early in the year. Wednesday was the zoo with my Aunt, cousin, cousin's adult daughter,her friend, my teen and 9 count'em 9 kids 12 and under. But we had a blast. Now a BBQ is in the works for Saturday. Today is gonna be laundry again and maybe a quick trip to BJ's for me for our 3rd gallon of chocolate milk. We picked up our 2nd gallon of white milk yesterday. I gotta say these kids love milk but that's ok...its better then sugary drinks. Well guess better get my honey's breakfast going and his lunch packed. Unfortunately he doesn't get to have all this fun time with us...he has to work to put food on the table.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring has Sprung !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I finally mowed the lawn...Oh man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That felt so good..the smell of fresh cut grass. I caught the grass in the catcher and dumped it in the compost bin. Watered my 2 small grow beds..the onions are really looking good and there is definitely spinach coming up. Broccoli are looking good and another one popped through...that makes 22 out of 24. I got just a touch of sunburn today.It'll tan up fast though. I got done mowing the lawn and looked at it and realized how crooked the rows were..LOL That's because I was so busy looking at the roof while I mowed trying to figure out how many solar panels I thought I could fit on my roof. At least I don't have any shrubs to mow over while I'm dreaming. Put every thing away and came in and made sloppy joes and put lentils,rice and spices in the rice cooker.All I had to do was add water and warm the sloppy joe in the microwave. Good thing coz I was beat from following the lawn mower around the yard for 2 hours..and day dreaming of course...Ken and Jen did dishes and then it was off to church. Somebody forgot to put the garbage out when they left and Jade had a hay day emptying it out..I got to pick it just relaxing and watching Law and Order. Soon to bed.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My lawn mower started today...not that I did anything with it but it started. 21 broccoli plants are up. I can't wait till they get big enough to plant. I have 2 bags of topsoil in the garage that are all dried out..I may dump them out on a tarp and add some peat moss and then lightly water it and see if I can get it useable..then I could put it in the grow bed that doesn't have anything in it and plant some of them there...I think its 2X6 so I should be able to plant 12 plants there and then find room in the big grow bed for the other 9. My potato barrels aren't doing anything yet. I'm not feeling good about them but we'll see. Some of the onions are looking good and a garlic or 2 have sprouted. I may have some spinach coming up but it will be a little while before I'll be sure that what it is and not weeds. So thats my update for today.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Well lets see..I went and worked out this morning. Unfortunately I got to the gym and then realized I'd forgotten my MP3 player so no listening to TV's...its kind of boring to just walk and have nothing to keep me entertained so I upped the intensity a little and walked for 35 minutes. Did my strength training and then headed for home. Got the laundry all done and hung outside on the clotheslines and on one of my trips out I looked at the pots I have seeds planted in on the back porch and have 19 count em...19 little broccoli plants poking through. I planted 2 in each of 12 pots so I have the potential of 24 broccoli plants. In a couple of weeks I'll transplant them into larger pots. I'm excited..I only planted them Thursday so in 4 days they've started growing. Now all I have to do is keep them alive until its time to plant them outside.I feel positively giddy...hahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Met Mom at her surgeons for her last appointment. Everything looks good and is healing nicely. Took a drive out to the Chili library to pick up a book..yes I know I could have put a hold on it and had it delivered to Webster. It was such a nice day I wanted to drive..and think. It was a very relaxing time. Well I guess I better figure out what to make for supper and get the clothes off the line. What a wonderful day its far.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Morning Thoughts

So much as been running through my mind lately. Like the state of the economy and the way the world is going in general. Will I be able to take care of my family if the unexpected happens? What if...I lose my pension...what if...hubby loses his job..what if..what if...what if...Its kinda scary. I am capable of growing vegetables..I'm working on my being able to start vegetables from seed and not having to go to the nursery and buy plants. I've started on my solar power project. I've bought one set of solar panels from Harbor Freight. Just have to get a couple of 6 volt golf cart batteries and then I can play with that more. I also need to get my 3 propane tanks filled. I bought a hose that will go from my propane tanks to my coleman stove so I can use them instead of those little 1 lb propane cyclinders. I'd like to get some barrels so I can catch the water that comes off the roof. I hate having to pay for water..when there's free water everytime it rains.I also hate paying $400 a year for garbage pick up but I don't see a way around that right now. I want to start downsizing the crap I have around here much junk just sitting around. Now if I could only find the ambition..well off to start making breakfast for the fam and then off to church. Wonder waht the Lord has in store for me today.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Yesterday I had to take my Auntie to the dentist. Then yesterday late afternoon Ken and I had to go to the bank and open the new checking and savings account. I think I got both pension accounts updated so my direct deposit will go to the new account but I won't know until the 1st of next month. Today I washed the sheets from my bed and hung them outside to dry. Watered the 2 grow beds and did the grocery shopping. We made homemade pizza and rice for supper.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday Part 2

Got the potato barrels planted..I had to go to Wegmans and get a green pepper to go with my fajitas...GASP !!!!!!!!!!! $3.99/lb..what are they thinking? Tonight I planted seeds..12 pepper, 12 broccoli, 1 Big Boy Tomato, 1 Cherry Tomato, 2 zuchhini, 2 spinach. I've only got 1- 4X12 bed left...I hope I have room for everything. If not I'll be throwing a bed together quickly. I don't really have to worry about it until the end of May so hopefully something will give. Well actually I have another bed ready...I just have to add the top soil. I may have to for everything I have to plant. Plus I'd like to get a half dozen or so Roma tomato plants. I prefer the paste tomatoes because I don't have to cook them down as much.


Well its been quite a week. Tuesday I sent over to my Aunt's and hung out until Ken got out of work. Then we went to supper at Sal's Birdland. Came home to let the dog out and there was a message on the answering machine from my bank. Apparently somebody got ahold of my bank account numbers and had been trying to spend my hard earned (hahahaa) money. They want me to open new accounts. I have to wait until Friday when Ken can go as he's on my accounts also. Went to Mona Lisa and picked up desserts and then went back to Auntie's to play a game of Apples to Apples. Wednesday I didn't do much until it was time to go to church. Last Friday there was a house explosion in Orleans County. It was next door to where we used to live in Waterport..the man injured in the explosion was the brother of some kids I used to play with growing up. Steve died yesterday. Its very sad that he's gone. The good news is Steve knew Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and is in heaven right now. On the garden front..I'm supposed to be out planting my potatoes in barrels..I have styrofoan peanuts in the bottom of the barrels and a cardboard disc in all I have to do is put in some top soil, place the seed potatoes in, and cover them with dirt. Then as they stems grow I'll cover them and this fall hopefully I'll empty them out and there will be potatoes. Well off I go to do more work..

Monday, April 5, 2010


What a week end...The weather has been beautiful..Saturday I got up and went out and ruffled up the soil in my 2 small grow beds. I don't know if I mentioned that last week I'd gotten a vegetable pack at BJ's..2 different kinds of seed potatoes, 65 each of white,yellow, and red onions, 2 garlic bulbs, lettuce,tomato and carrot seed. We went to Walmart and I got 2 cheap garbage cans. I'll be planting the potatoes in those. As the plants grow you add peatmoss and straw and supposedly the barrel fills with potatoes. We'll see. Then we went to Lowe's and I got a bale of peat moss and a bag of top soil. Then if was grocery shopping and home. I planted all the onions, garlic and carrot seeds in one bed..lettuce and spinach in the other. Then I covered both beds. One with my plastic tent and the other with a pane of glass and plastic. It serves 2 purposes. Keeps animals out and makes kind of a green house effect so the stuff is protected until the weather stays warm. I can't wait to see the first shoots poking through the soil. Yesterday was church and then we came home and had Baby Back Ribs, Macaroni salad, and Potato salad for lunch. Non traditional Easter Dinner I know but we'd just had ham a couple of weeks ago. We all took a nap and then back to church. After church we had Bagel Bites and Mozzerella sticks. Ken had to be to work 2 hours early this morning so I got up at 5:00 and made his coffee and lunch. Went back to bed but couldn't go back to sleep. So now its time to get myself out of bed and off to the gym..Maybe laundry today. Oh and did I tell ya that I discovered that its a lot easier to clean up the winter accumulation of doggy do of one dog then to pick up after 2? It only took me a couple of hours and 2 grocery bags to clean up the yard. Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010


And the uncle who was so deathly ill Sunday has been transferred to a nursing home in Medina...


Wow what a difference 4 days make. Lets see...Tuesday I baby sat..Wednesday I took little Miss Stella to meet my Mom and Aunt. Jim came to church with us. Thursday I had to go to Oakfield for a funeral. Got to meet my son's new girlfriend..or I should say get reaquainted with her. I knew her when she was much younger. OH..Thursday I also dropped my van off at Doyle Chevrolet..oh boy !!!!!!!! One new power steering unit, solenoid and gasket on my transmission and a transmission service and $1200 and I have it back. At least it should be good for a while...I hope. Last night as we were getting ready to go to bed Ken coughed and yelled out in pain. The pain was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Got into bed and this morning when he got up he could hardly move, couldn't take deep breaths and when he went to the bathroom he had blood in his stool. We were pretty sure the 2 weren't related but we wanted to get it checked out and make sure. So after 3 1/2 hours in the ER, and blood tests and an x-ray later he was pronounced ok...just a pulled muscle and the other had nothing to do with it. I think he just wanted the day off because Jen and I were going to be home..LOL. Not really...he isn't like that. We came home and then went to Red Robin for lunch. I had the battered cod and was so good. Came home and I did what I was supposed to do this morning. Do the yearly mass clean up of dog poop. I learned 2 things..a large rubber band holds the tops of the plastic garbage bags so they don't fall into the garbage can and I don't have to fight with them and 2...1 large dog is a lot easier to clean up after then 2 large dogs. About 2 hours and 2 bags..yes !!!!!!!!!!Oh OH...just remembered I have to pay bills..bye