Thursday, April 23, 2009


Thursday?????!!!!!! Its Thursday already ???!!!! Where did the week go? Tuesday...hmmm....nothing? Can't think of one single thing I did Tuesday. Wednesday I was a good day. Still kinda run down and weak from being sick but a good day none the less. Checked the paper and saw that Palmers at the Genesee Regional Market was having a pretty good sale on some meat...Baby back ribs...2.99 a pound..checked at Weggies today and they're running 4.99 to 6.99 a pound, italian sausage 1.99 a pound..yeah that's not a great price but I was there, stew beef...frozen in 5 pound blocks 1.49 a pound..simple..thaw, repack into pound packages, refreeze...excellent deal, strip steaks a box of 16-10 oz steaks 39.90...3.99 a pound. Hubby says that's a good deal and he knows steak. Plus I picked him up a box of crab cakes and a package of clams casino coz he's such a good hubby. I paid 80.70 but we got....14 meat about 9 batches of beef 23 meals minimum. We probably spend almost 80 dollars going out to eat 3 1/2 times. Oh back up to what made it an even better day....I had a short 4 item request...aka grocery list...from hubby..he's on this soy milk kick. Aldi's has Original,Vanilla and Chocolate. Original is always there, chocolate is apparently popular because its next to impossible to fact the only way we knew they had it was we saw it written on the box the milk was in and vanilla goes pretty fast too. The other day I could only get an original..So I decide to stop at Aldi's on my way to Henrietta..Walk in....grab granola and bran flakes ( Its a cereal mix hubby makes...granola, bran flakes, and either corn flakes or cheerios depending on what's available)...walk to the cooler...stop...look...shake head...look again...a vanilla AND a chocolate sitting right in moving stuff around trying to find it..thank you ...thank you...walk up to the one cash register that's open. One lady checking out...another with like 4 things on the belt...a man with an overflowing shopping cart and a lady with a not quite overflowing shopping cart...Lady," Oh you can go ahead of me you only have a few things" Thank're so kind..Man," Hey you might as well go ahead of me too" Thank you...thank you....In and out of Aldi's in less then 10 minutes..THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!. The Lord and I set a new world's record in Aldi's and we actually purchased something. I left my house a little after 10:00 AM and walked back into the house just before noon. Then I spent the next 1 1/2 eating lunch and doing the stew beef thing. This morning I had to go for my quarterly doctor exam...the nurse says...hey great you've lot 10 pounds..I said..yeah only it was from being sick..but looks good on paper. Blood pressure was a little high 136 over whatever but I'm still trying to recover from stuper bug..Doc started mentioning blood pressure medicine...I said...yeah lets hold off for another 3 months and see if its coz I'm still recooperating...He's a good guy...He expresses his concerns but doesn't try to force me into taking medicine...He went over a year before he put me on the metformin for diabetes. And then he didn't force me just said he thought it was time and I had to agree. Friday May 1st I go to get my eyes checked...I know I'm gonna need glasses..I've needed glasses....I used to have reading glasses..that' why I haven't gone to the eye doctor in probably 5 its time to admit I can't see so good anymore and get glasses. Saturday is Hubby's birthday and they scheduled a mandatory Reformers Unanimout training session from 2-5..of course they don't know its hubby's birthday coz he doesn't want anybody to know so good wifey that I am I don't tell anybody. Supposed to be a pot luck dinner after but I'm taking him out to eat so we aren't staying. So I guess thats it for now....

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