Monday, April 20, 2009

Catching up....slowly

Ok...all my plans for fun stuff with the grandkids got flushed. Wednesday afternoon Sammy called and said Colin was sick..did I still want them. Well as I only get them once a month and the rest of the month is pretty busy I said of course.. What's wrong with him? He's been sick since Saturday night..throwing up, running a fever...etc...etc...She has a job and needs to work, her baby sitter wouldn't take them and her mother was out of town so she'd been taking them to work with her and putting them in a back office. I decided to go get them Wednesday night and give her a break. So Wednesday night after church Nicole and I take off for Newark. We walk in the house and there lays Colin...covered in a blanket on the 1/2 bath floor. He was laying there because it was cool and he had a fever. Pack up the boys and head to Webster. Put everybody in bed..Except Kayla...she was with her other Nana out of town. Thursday morning Colin wants toast. Ok..good sign. Ian you want something? No Nana I'm not hungry...ok..Now Colin is looking good...he even wants to go out and play. So out we go to fly dollar store styrofoam airplanes and throw the frisbee around. Now Ian isn't looking so good. Oh Oh...we go to Target to get $5.00 copies of SpiderMan...their favorite movie. Ian tells me he wants to go home coz he thinks he has to throw up. Drop him and Jen off and Colin and I head off for the grocery store. Get home and Colin wants does Ian. About a half hour later I'm wiping him coz he had diarrhea...and he throws up...luckily he was bent over the toilet so most of it went in there. That was it...he was down for the count. Thursday night Sammy brought Kayla over. Ian was down the rest of the week end. Now I've got a dilema....I'm supposed to teach at church Friday night with Nicole.... but I 've got a sick kid on my hands. Ken comes home and says he isn't feeling real well so if I want to go to church go ahead he'll sit with the sick boy. My hubby is the greatest. Ken gets up at 4:30 AM to go to the bathroom and informs me that the TV is on...I walk out and there sits Jen with a puke bucket on her lap. She'd been sick during the night. Sammy texted Saturday and said she would pick them up Saturday night. Oh good....then I won't miss church taking them home Sunday morning. Ian slept all day except maybe 3 hours. Gave the boys both baths...and in their jammies about 6:00 ...she picked them up at 8:00..Fast forward to 4:30 AM...yep you guessed Nana doesn't feel good..nausea..diarrhea..I never did throw up but I sure didn't feel good yesterday. Was in bed most of the day until my poor body ached so bad I had to get up and sit in the living room for a while..Can I just say I love the Hallmark Channel? Especially on week ends when they have movie marathons. Saturday night I had a quarter of a sub.That was the last I ate until about 9:30 this morning. Being sick and not eating does wonder for your blood sugar levels..I've been running 120's to 140's. Yesterday afternoon at 2:00 I was 97..this morning at 5:30 I was 80. I had to get blood work done for my doctors appointment Thursday...Doc is gonna be impressed and then I'm going to have to tell him it was a false reading because of the sickness and not being able to eat. I came home and ate a banana and drank a little far so good. Still feel weak but at least so far not nauseated. Well that's it for my catching up..,toodles

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