Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday 04/04/2009

Started out the day by getting up and doing my Bible devotions. Went grocery shopping.Spent almost all the money Ken gives me every week but do have 12 entrees for his lunch with is almost 3 weeks worth so we won't have to buy entrees for a while. I'd like to stock up on extra food and put it away but that never seems to happen. I need to do an inventory of my cupboards and my canning shelves and see what I have. Oh I probably should do the freezers too. The freezing spaghetti squash experiment was a flop so I can empty my freezer of spaghetti sqush...not a misprint...that's what it ended up being. After we got the groceries put away we went to Walmart so Ken could get some new T-shirts and undies and a new pair of shoes. Then it was off to The Nazareth College Symphony Orchestra's Spring Pops Concert for Donors. We're kinda donors...Ken works there and keeps their lights working. It was a blast. We went to the RPO a few weeks ago and it was ok but not my kind of music and it seemed stuffy.. This one was a blast. College kids and they so enjoyed what they were doing. One of the profs sang "The Mom Song" while the orchestra was hilarious and at the end she and the orchestra director ...a woman...did a high five...I'll have to see if I can find the Youtube version because its hilarious....ok I can't figure out how to load the video onto my blog but here's the web address...I'm sure some of you have already seen it but the place was in stitches...

I'm going to have to do some experimenting so I can figure out how to do things here...BEFORE I need to do them.

So after the concert which was over at about 4:00 we went out for supper. Yes it was an early supper but we hadn't had anything to eat for I had a pudding cup and Ken and Jen had each had a Fiber One bar. We went to Aladdins in Pittsford. I had garlic pepper linguine with olive oil,scallions, garlic,and red crushed was awesome...Then we left there and went to Mona Lisa and got dessert. Its like walking up to a Wegmans Deli counter only behind that glass is 3 shelves of desserts.....No I probably shouldn't have had dessert but I did. Then it was home to eat my dessert and watch Bed Time Stories which is a pretty decent movie considering Adam Sandler is in it. I would have to say from my point of view one of his better movies. Unfortunately I fell asleep through part of it...the whole full belly thing. But it was an awesome day considering the weather outside. I really need it to dry up so I can get my functioning grow beds dug up and some cold weather stuff planted. Broccoli...Lettuce...maybe some spinach if I get the seeds. I've been thinking about finding someplace to stick in some berry plants...strawberry , raspberry . I've been hungry for some raspberries but everytime I look at the price I shudder and walk away. I've also been thinking some dwarf fruit trees..not alot..just one or two or three or.....The way the economy is going who knows what's going to happen ? And with GM in trouble I wonder about my pension...not worry...just wonder. Fortunately for us about the only thing we have is the mortgage..oh and the best buy bill for the tv hubby thought we needed and I had work done on the van and I owe about $400 on that. They're both same as cash for another 2 months on the van repairs and I don't know how long on the best buy bill but that's hubby's concern. I just looked out the window and think today is going to be a better day then yesterday. I can see the sun shining on the back of the neighbors house. Probably will be cold but as long as its dry so I can get out in the yard one of these days I'll be happy. to do my devotions..its busy Sunday..

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