Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Life goes on.....
Life has been pretty same old same old lately..Hubby was off 2 weeks from work because of tennis elbow..I'm not gonna was nice having him home. Other then that its been taking care of Mom and doing the stuff around the house that's needed doing..mowing the lawn, doing the that its supposed to get cold the garden is going crazy but a little to late I'm afraid. I may cover with plastic and try to squeeze some more tomatoes out of her. The youngest is in college now. She's finding its a little harder then high school but I think she'll get it. She has an interview at MickyD's today. We'll see how that goes. Other then that not much else going on. Just finished another Dave Ramsey book..that man is motivational..getting yourself set financially. So I've got my initial emergency fund and am now working on my debt snowball. Actually I may be able to wipe that out shortly...then it'll be getting my 3-6 months emergency fund built up and on to retirement savings and then paying off my mortgage. Right now I'm reading a book called Mini Farming or something like that. Guess that's it for now...ciao
Friday, August 26, 2011
Augst 26, 2011
Not much new going on...Hubby is off on disability for a couple of weeks...seems he swung his golf club a little to hard during a golf tournament he was playing in and pulled a muscle. Sucks huh? LOL..well what sucks is he hasn't been able to golf with me so I've been going through golf withdrawal. Mom finished phase 2 of Cardiac Rehab and is now doing phase gets her out of the house and exercising 2 days a week. We got a new puppy !!!!!!!!!!!!! Her name is Bonita..I call her Bonita Chiquita Chihuahua. All 2 lbs 8 ounces of her. She's asleep at my hip as I type. Juiced up the tomatoes I had in the garden that were ready about 4 quarts..I'll put them in the freezer until I have at least enough for a canner full. Dragged the Hubbs off to Bert's Bikes yesterday.I've got a hankering for a new bicycle..found the one I like..its a Trek 7.2 blue, 24 speed..and only $ 549. Maybe someday...not soon. I have a mountain bike but its heavy and has wide tires on it. I'd like something lighter. Jen took her road test this morning...she is now an official New York State licensed driver..all she needs is a job and a car. So I guess that's it for now
Monday, August 8, 2011
Tried posting the last post last week and couldn't...not sure what was wrong but Internet Explorer wouldn't let me I downloaded Mozilla Firefox and lickity split it was the showing for my cousin. Why is it you never see any of your family unless there's a funeral ? I'd say wedding and funerals but we don't get invited to weddings..LOL. Friday it was the funeral in Albion at 11:00 and then I drove out to Warsaw to pick up my sister to stay with my Mom so we could go to the races. Got there around 6:50 and spent the night watching races with my daughter, daughter in law, grandkids and the race car drivers wife.. My hubby and my son worked in the pits with the driver. Left the race track after midnight...luckily my son's apartment is only about 20 minutes away and he has a guest room. Got home a little after noon Saturday..went grocery shopping...took my sister home and crashed. bed... Sunday was church and my father in law came in last night for an overnight on his way back to TN. This morning got the Hubbs off to work, said good bye to my father in law and took the daughter to church to catch the bus to camp for the week. Came home and planted 6 lettuce seeds in a pot. Garden isn't really doing all that great this year. Gonna pull the beans which aren't producing any more and plant more peas which also aren't producing anymore. Just feeling the need to stock up a little coz things aren't looking so good...need to be able to take of me and mine. So I guess I've caught up...AGAIN.. off I go to do something...anything.
Trying to catch up....again
Just can't seem to keep up on my blog...not much going on really..its been so dry that the gardens really aren't doing much..finally pulled the lettuce that had bolted...almost an entire bed..I really gotta not plant so much at 3 zucchini off the plant so far. A few tomatoes..really dissapointed because last year I put crumbled egg shells around the plants before I mulched them with grass clippings and had no blossom end rot..this year I forgot and almost everyone of them has had it...not a big deal...I just cut off that end and use the remainder in our tossed salads. Tried filling a new bed with a "Square Foot Gardening" soil mix..must have used a wrong ingredient because althought the 2 pepper plants I planted in it are huge that's all they are are plants...not a blossom...not a peper..the basil did well but that's gone to seed now too. Got enough green beans and peas to make a few meals so that was good. I've gone through phases where first I'm on the computer all day and do hardly anything else and other phases where all I want to do is read and hardly anything else...right now I'm in a reading phase...books on solar power...Beverly Lewis books...and my newest love....Wanda Brunstetter library had one of her 4 book series in one book...that's what I'm devouring now...I read the equivelent of the first book yesterday....well...all but about 20 pages which I finished this morning and started the second book. I've been feeling kind of yucky the last 3 days..slight fever, sore throat, loss of I went to Rochester Immediate Care..your ER alternative. Cost me $50 to have them tell me I have a viral no antibiotics. But at least I know its not strep which is what I was worried about. The PA told me another week or so and I should be over it...great ! Today I have to go to Albion to a funeral viewing for my 60 year old cousin who died of a heart attack Sunday night...I hate funerals. Tomorrow is the funeral service and then its off to Warsaw to pick up my Sister so she can spend some time with my Mommy while Hubbs and I go out of town for a overnight. We're going to LaFargeville,NY to watch a guy from church race..As its right around the corner...well a country corner...from my son's place we're going to crash there overnight and then come home Saturday. Well..guess that's it for I go to do something...or just lay here and read for a while longer. ;-)
Just can't seem to keep up on my blog...not much going on really..its been so dry that the gardens really aren't doing much..finally pulled the lettuce that had bolted...almost an entire bed..I really gotta not plant so much at 3 zucchini off the plant so far. A few tomatoes..really dissapointed because last year I put crumbled egg shells around the plants before I mulched them with grass clippings and had no blossom end rot..this year I forgot and almost everyone of them has had it...not a big deal...I just cut off that end and use the remainder in our tossed salads. Tried filling a new bed with a "Square Foot Gardening" soil mix..must have used a wrong ingredient because althought the 2 pepper plants I planted in it are huge that's all they are are plants...not a blossom...not a peper..the basil did well but that's gone to seed now too. Got enough green beans and peas to make a few meals so that was good. I've gone through phases where first I'm on the computer all day and do hardly anything else and other phases where all I want to do is read and hardly anything else...right now I'm in a reading phase...books on solar power...Beverly Lewis books...and my newest love....Wanda Brunstetter library had one of her 4 book series in one book...that's what I'm devouring now...I read the equivelent of the first book yesterday....well...all but about 20 pages which I finished this morning and started the second book. I've been feeling kind of yucky the last 3 days..slight fever, sore throat, loss of I went to Rochester Immediate Care..your ER alternative. Cost me $50 to have them tell me I have a viral no antibiotics. But at least I know its not strep which is what I was worried about. The PA told me another week or so and I should be over it...great ! Today I have to go to Albion to a funeral viewing for my 60 year old cousin who died of a heart attack Sunday night...I hate funerals. Tomorrow is the funeral service and then its off to Warsaw to pick up my Sister so she can spend some time with my Mommy while Hubbs and I go out of town for a overnight. We're going to LaFargeville,NY to watch a guy from church race..As its right around the corner...well a country corner...from my son's place we're going to crash there overnight and then come home Saturday. Well..guess that's it for I go to do something...or just lay here and read for a while longer. ;-)
Trying to catch up....again
Just can't seem to keep up on my blog...not much going on really..its been so dry that the gardens really aren't doing much..finally pulled the lettuce that had bolted...almost an entire bed..I really gotta not plant so much at 3 zucchini off the plant so far. A few tomatoes..really dissapointed because last year I put crumbled egg shells around the plants before I mulched them with grass clippings and had no blossom end rot..this year I forgot and almost everyone of them has had it...not a big deal...I just cut off that end and use the remainder in our tossed salads. Tried filling a new bed with a "Square Foot Gardening" soil mix..must have used a wrong ingredient because althought the 2 pepper plants I planted in it are huge that's all they are are plants...not a blossom...not a peper..the basil did well but that's gone to seed now too. Got enough green beans and peas to make a few meals so that was good. I've gone through phases where first I'm on the computer all day and do hardly anything else and other phases where all I want to do is read and hardly anything else...right now I'm in a reading phase...books on solar power...Beverly Lewis books...and my newest love....Wanda Brunstetter library had one of her 4 book series in one book...that's what I'm devouring now...I read the equivelent of the first book yesterday....well...all but about 20 pages which I finished this morning and started the second book. I've been feeling kind of yucky the last 3 days..slight fever, sore throat, loss of I went to Rochester Immediate Care..your ER alternative. Cost me $50 to have them tell me I have a viral no antibiotics. But at least I know its not strep which is what I was worried about. The PA told me another week or so and I should be over it...great ! Today I have to go to Albion to a funeral viewing for my 60 year old cousin who died of a heart attack Sunday night...I hate funerals. Tomorrow is the funeral service and then its off to Warsaw to pick up my Sister so she can spend some time with my Mommy while Hubbs and I go out of town for a overnight. We're going to LaFargeville,NY to watch a guy from church race..As its right around the corner...well a country corner...from my son's place we're going to crash there overnight and then come home Saturday. Well..guess that's it for I go to do something...or just lay here and read for a while longer. ;-)
Just can't seem to keep up on my blog...not much going on really..its been so dry that the gardens really aren't doing much..finally pulled the lettuce that had bolted...almost an entire bed..I really gotta not plant so much at 3 zucchini off the plant so far. A few tomatoes..really dissapointed because last year I put crumbled egg shells around the plants before I mulched them with grass clippings and had no blossom end rot..this year I forgot and almost everyone of them has had it...not a big deal...I just cut off that end and use the remainder in our tossed salads. Tried filling a new bed with a "Square Foot Gardening" soil mix..must have used a wrong ingredient because althought the 2 pepper plants I planted in it are huge that's all they are are plants...not a blossom...not a peper..the basil did well but that's gone to seed now too. Got enough green beans and peas to make a few meals so that was good. I've gone through phases where first I'm on the computer all day and do hardly anything else and other phases where all I want to do is read and hardly anything else...right now I'm in a reading phase...books on solar power...Beverly Lewis books...and my newest love....Wanda Brunstetter library had one of her 4 book series in one book...that's what I'm devouring now...I read the equivelent of the first book yesterday....well...all but about 20 pages which I finished this morning and started the second book. I've been feeling kind of yucky the last 3 days..slight fever, sore throat, loss of I went to Rochester Immediate Care..your ER alternative. Cost me $50 to have them tell me I have a viral no antibiotics. But at least I know its not strep which is what I was worried about. The PA told me another week or so and I should be over it...great ! Today I have to go to Albion to a funeral viewing for my 60 year old cousin who died of a heart attack Sunday night...I hate funerals. Tomorrow is the funeral service and then its off to Warsaw to pick up my Sister so she can spend some time with my Mommy while Hubbs and I go out of town for a overnight. We're going to LaFargeville,NY to watch a guy from church race..As its right around the corner...well a country corner...from my son's place we're going to crash there overnight and then come home Saturday. Well..guess that's it for I go to do something...or just lay here and read for a while longer. ;-)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Trying to catch up....again
Just can't seem to keep up on my blog...not much going on really..its been so dry that the gardens really aren't doing much..finally pulled the lettuce that had bolted...almost an entire bed..I really gotta not plant so much at 3 zucchini off the plant so far. A few tomatoes..really dissapointed because last year I put crumbled egg shells around the plants before I mulched them with grass clippings and had no blossom end rot..this year I forgot and almost everyone of them has had it...not a big deal...I just cut off that end and use the remainder in our tossed salads. Tried filling a new bed with a "Square Foot Gardening" soil mix..must have used a wrong ingredient because althought the 2 pepper plants I planted in it are huge that's all they are are plants...not a blossom...not a peper..the basil did well but that's gone to seed now too. Got enough green beans and peas to make a few meals so that was good. I've gone through phases where first I'm on the computer all day and do hardly anything else and other phases where all I want to do is read and hardly anything else...right now I'm in a reading phase...books on solar power...Beverly Lewis books...and my newest love....Wanda Brunstetter library had one of her 4 book series in one book...that's what I'm devouring now...I read the equivelent of the first book yesterday....well...all but about 20 pages which I finished this morning and started the second book. I've been feeling kind of yucky the last 3 days..slight fever, sore throat, loss of I went to Rochester Immediate Care..your ER alternative. Cost me $50 to have them tell me I have a viral no antibiotics. But at least I know its not strep which is what I was worried about. The PA told me another week or so and I should be over it...great ! Today I have to go to Albion to a funeral viewing for my 60 year old cousin who died of a heart attack Sunday night...I hate funerals. Tomorrow is the funeral service and then its off to Warsaw to pick up my Sister so she can spend some time with my Mommy while Hubbs and I go out of town for a overnight. We're going to LaFargeville,NY to watch a guy from church race..As its right around the corner...well a country corner...from my son's pl
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Its been so long since I've blogged I can't remember everything that's happened..Mom spent 4 days in the hospital with A-Fib the begining of June. She only has one more session of Phase 2 Cardiac Rehab and starts Phase 3 on Thursday. Webster Fireman's Carnival is happening this is the last day. Fireworks at midnight and they've already set off 5 testers which are driving the dogs crazy. Garden is doing pretty good though I'm having to water every couple of days. Getting quite a few peas and green beans..Tomato plants have green tomatoes and the zucchini plant has tiny zucchini on it. Pepper plants have a few small peppers. Made a homemade batch of pesto the other day from basil plants growing in my garden. So much I want to do and either no money or no time or both to do any of it. So I guess that's it for now.
Too Long To Remember
Its been so long since I've blogged I can't remember everything that's happened..Mom spent 4 days in the hospital with A-Fib the begining of June. She only has one more session of Phase 2 Cardiac Rehab and starts Phase 3 on Thursday. Webster Fireman's Carnival is happening this is the last day. Fireworks at midnight and they've already set off 5 testers which are driving the dogs crazy. Garden is doing pretty good though I'm having to water every couple of days. Getting quite a few peas and green beans..Tomato plants have green tomatoes and the zucchini plant has tiny zucchini on it. Pepper plants have a few small peppers. Made a homemade batch of pesto the other day from basil plants growing in my garden. So much I want to do and either no money or no time or both to do any of it. So I guess that's it for now.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
May 29, 2011
Well lets see...what's been going on? the 18th I celebrated my 56th birthday. Other then that been pretty busy with Doctor's appointments and Cardiac Rehab for Mom. Life is pretty busy right now and doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon. Yesterday Ken and I did the grocery shopping and then went to the garden store and bought..10 Roma Tomato plants, 6 green pepper plants, 6 orange pepper plants, 11 bean plants, 4 clumps of basil and 12 marigolds. Got most of the smaller beds planted now including one by the house..we'll see how long that lasts with the dogs. Still got most of our big grow bed to plant. I got the lawn all mowed Thursday so I wouldn't have to worry about that this week end. Tomorrow Shaun, Jen1 , Ken and I are supposed to go golfing. It will only be the 2nd time this year I've gone. I pulled something in my left shoulder yesterday morning and I've practiced swinging and I don't think its going to bother me to golf. Mom, Ken and I went to an Asian Buffet last night for supper. Can't remember what its called but its at Southtown Plaza. It was pretty good. Ate to much as usual. So I guess that's it for now.
Friday, May 6, 2011
May 6th
Sunday afternoon Shaun came over and helped finish moving Nicole and Jim's stuff into their apartment...they had a hard time getting the couch walk in the front door and then have to make a jog to the right to get to the stairs..the couch didn't want to jog...a broken light bulb later and up it went..Shaun said if he could get that couch up those stairs he could get a box spring up the other stairs..wellll............he did..and then I had to rebuild the wooden frame..LOL..but he was right..he got it up there. Jim says he thinks the box springs are better then before because the box springs don't squeak..Glad to have been of service. Its kind of strange them not being here but I'm glad they got their own place. Did I say anything about going to the eye doctor last Friday? Mom has some slight bleeding behind her right eye and now she has an appointment with a retina specialist May 24th. She also has cataracts but they have to take care of the bleeding first. Monday the 9th she has an appointment with her PCP. Thursday I had a doctor and dentist appointment..Doc visit went pretty good. He upped my cholesterol meds but said my glucose is looking better. He'd like me to loose another 10 lbs. Went across the street to the dentist office and at my appointed time my dental hygentist came out and called somebody else in..look at my planner..yep says I have a dentist appointment at an e-mail Saturday reminding me of my appointment...and I confirmed it. Went up to the receptionist and she looks on her computer and your appointment is June 16th..I went home and printed out the e-mail and took it back to system messed up I didn't get the pleasure of letting Michele dig and gouge. Stella came to play yesterday..the sweet little stinker. She had a blast playing with the big dogs and I think they enjoyed having her here. Did my laundry yesterday and hung it out. The ground was so wet it squished when I walked on it but I got it done. I did dry the towels in the house but only because my lines were full and Nicole had a few towels I wanted to be able to give her when she came to pick up Stella after work. So today I went into the computer room to look something up on the computer in there and in so doing I kicked the leg of the love seat with my baby toe..I think its hurts so bad even hours later..I'm afraid to take my sock off. Well I guess that's it for now.. later
Sunday, May 1, 2011
May 1,2011
Happy May Day...what a busy time we've had the last couple of weeks. My baby girl turned 23..My son got married..what a wonderful was perfect in every way. The weather cooperated and they were able to hold it outside. The food was delicious and they had a photographer that was out of this world. Sunday the 24th Nicole and James dropped Shaun and Jen off at the Amtrack train station for their 4 day honeymoon in New York City..They had a fantastic time. I picked them up Thursday afternoon at the train station and they left for Watertown because they had a few appointments Friday to get Jen's military ID and have her added to Shaun's military records..Friday Ken went to a men's retreat held by our church. It was really strange him not being here and I missed him dearly. Saturday morning I helped Jim move their bed over to the new apartment..unfortunately we couldn't get it up the stairs to the bedroom so one of two things is going to happen...either they're going to make what was going to be his office into the bedroom and what was going to be the bedroom into the office or they're going to get one of the many people who told them they've had the same problem and to just cut the box springs in half and then nail it back together to come over and show them how to do it...anyway they spent their first night in their new apartment last night..probably sleeping on their mattress and box springs on the living room floor. But they've got their own place. Yesterday Shaun,Jen #1,Ken and I went was Shaun and Jen's Birthday present to Ken...oh wait...I forgot to tell you about Ken's Birthday...April 25th....I had bought him a new Bible a month or so ago so I didn't have to get him a present but I bought him a card and took him out to supper at Bazils..we had a wonderful supper followed by a drive to SeaBreeze and then back home. It was awesome to spend some alone time with him. Tuesday and Thursday were cardiac rehab and blood work on Thursday for Mom..oh Monday we had to go and get her vascular scans done for her Vascular Dr visit on the 2nd. Its going to be another busy week this week..Monday Vascular Dr..Tuesday and Thursday Cardiac Rehab and Thursday I have Doctor and Dentist..The lawn finally dried up enough for me to go out and pick up dog poop yesterday and my lettuce is coming up in my grow bed...things are looking up....Happy Life !!!!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Going to be a busy week
Today is about the only down day we're going to have this week...Tomorrow is cadiac rehab and then we have to go pick up Nicole's birthday cake..I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 23. Seems like only yesterday I was laying in the hospital looking down into her sweet little face. Wednesday Shaun and the grand kids will be here. My poor big boy has picked up the puke bug going around and he has 24 hour guard duty today. He was going to try and sign out early and come tomorrow but I'm pretty sure he'll use the day to recoup. Thursday is cardiac rehab again followed by getting Mom's blood work done and then Thursday night the guys have to pick up their tuxedos. Friday is the rehearsal dinner. Saturday its get up early to be in Batavia by 8:30 to get our hair done and then be out to Varysburg by 11:00 to get dressed and get ready for the 1:00 ceremony uniting my son and future daughter in law into my daughter in law. I can't wait..I'm praying everything goes smoothly because they deserve it. I'll not only be gaining a daughter in law but a grandson...a most handsome 15 year old who thinks God is calling him to be a Pastor. So that's it for me for now I guess.....

Family Christmas Photo

Family Christmas Photo
Monday, April 11, 2011
It was so warm last night when we got out of church I decided to open the bedrooms windows. I thought maybe the flapping of the plastic on my grow bed outside the bedroom window but thanks to a Benydryl I took just before bed the only thing that momentarily woke me up was a hot flash. Unfortunately I'm still suffering from Benydryl hangover. Thats why I hate them. This morning after getting Ken off to work and catching up on my facebook and e-mail I got up and made myself an omelet..egg beaters,2 slices of canadian bacon and cut up with sour cream and salsa and eat. Then I decided to plant one of my small grow beds...spinach,bibb lettuce, loose leaf lettuce mix and mesculan lettuce mix. Now to figure out what to plant in the rest of them. Now waiting for MOm to get dressed because she has an appointment with her Cardioligist this afternoon...I call him Dr Cutie Patootie..
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Season has started
Thursday was a very busy day......9:30-11:00 was Cardiac Rehab for Mom..she said she could tell she missed Tuesday. Then it was off to lunch at Stoney's in Gates..after that it was the Pulmonary Doc..he told her she needs to build up her lung strength and that the problem she's having is from the Amiodarone she was on for her A-Fibs and that it would take a while to get it out of her system so things are looking up. When we got home I did 4 loads of laundry and....HUNG THEM OUT ON THE CLOTHESLINE. YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!! First hang out of the year. Because I got them out so late in the day I knew I'd have to leave them out over night. Friday Hubby was off work..woke up and found out that Mom had to sick bug. Ken and I did some office,bank,someplace else that I can't remember and then off to DMV to renew Ken's drivers license. A little later in the day I took down the clothes off the line...ahhhh the smell of air dried laundry. We also went grocery shopping so that we could spend the week end doing what we wanted to do. Saturday morning Nicole had the sick bug and though Mom was feeling better she still wasn't feeling real good. Hubby and I took off and went to Beyond Hardware in Penfield looking for some stuff we needed..they not only didn't have it but they weren't really sure what we were looking for. Off to Home Depot where we found something that would work for what Ken wanted and I just decided to stay with my present solar cover system for my grow bed..we did however spend $157.00 there for parts to replace one of my growbeds which had rotted out and assorted other stuff. We spent most of the rest of the day building the grow bed..its a little larger then the one it replaced but hopefully I'll be able to fill it. I also turned over the dirt in my small grow bed which is also covered with plastic. I want to get some spinach and lettuce planted. Maybe tomorrow if its nice out. Or maybe later today if I feel like it. Last night Ken and Jen went to listen to the RPO. I'm not a fan of that kind of music so I hung out at home. I've been pretty busy. I took some pictures and a video of the new grow bed but I probably won't get them uploaded until for now.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I'm alive
Was blessed by the stomach plague yesterday..Can I just say....AAARRRRGGGHHHH. It was horrid. I'm feeling somewhat better but still not 100%. I literally laid in bed all day yesterday except for bathroom and to check on Mom who had sucked some food into her wind pipe while she was eating. By this morning my body was aching for being in bed so long. This morning I stripped the bed of its sheets and pillow cases and washed them in hot water ( I usually use cold) and dried them in the dryer. Started looking for a new dryer lint trap..Mine was so clogged I don't think I'd ever get it clean. All the ones I found on the internet were 21.95 or higher with $5-$7 dollar shipping fees...called Netzman's Appliances and they had stock for $ 21.95 tax included. Yippee for shopping locally. I could have walked down and gotten it but 1. I'm getting over being sick and 2. it was raining..yep I'm a wimp. Thinking I'm hanging at home tonight coz I sure don't want to spread this to anybody else.
New Off Grid Book..
Simple Solar Homesteading
Lamar Alexander is a long time Homesteader and author that lives off-grid in the 14x14 solar cabin he built for under $2000. His cabin power comes from a small 570 watt solar and wind system which runs his lights, water pump, TV, laptop, and other gadgets. The cabin includes a rain water and gray water harvesting system and he hand drilled his own water well. He uses a solar composting toilet of his own design for handling waste. Propane is used for a small 20,000 BTU heater, fridge and on-demand water heater.
LaMar also uses many passive solar features in his cabin including solar air heaters, a solar water heater, solarium porch, and passive cooling. With no house payments and no monthly utility bills LaMar has been able to leave the 9-5 rat race and now runs a small part time business and spends most of his time pursuing his hobbies of fishing, gardening and writing books.
If you are interested in a simple solar homesteading life LaMar has a new book titled 'Off the Grid' that is 355 pages full of his designs and detailed step-by-step plans for building a solar cabin, solar composting toilet, solar air and water heaters and teaches you how to hand drill a water well and make your life and homestead sustainable.
Visit his website for more information:
Lamar Alexander is a long time Homesteader and author that lives off-grid in the 14x14 solar cabin he built for under $2000. His cabin power comes from a small 570 watt solar and wind system which runs his lights, water pump, TV, laptop, and other gadgets. The cabin includes a rain water and gray water harvesting system and he hand drilled his own water well. He uses a solar composting toilet of his own design for handling waste. Propane is used for a small 20,000 BTU heater, fridge and on-demand water heater.
LaMar also uses many passive solar features in his cabin including solar air heaters, a solar water heater, solarium porch, and passive cooling. With no house payments and no monthly utility bills LaMar has been able to leave the 9-5 rat race and now runs a small part time business and spends most of his time pursuing his hobbies of fishing, gardening and writing books.
If you are interested in a simple solar homesteading life LaMar has a new book titled 'Off the Grid' that is 355 pages full of his designs and detailed step-by-step plans for building a solar cabin, solar composting toilet, solar air and water heaters and teaches you how to hand drill a water well and make your life and homestead sustainable.
Visit his website for more information:
Friday, March 4, 2011
March 4,2011
Well to start out...Mom's cardiac rehab is going well. Gets her out of the house twice a week and she's getting exercise. Got my dress for Shaun and Jen's wedding. Still need to get shoes. Read a couple of books on less car more alternative transportation. Other then Mom's doctors and now rehab I could do it. Slowly going to work myself into not driving the van as much. So far this week I've done pretty good...Rode around with Nicole Monday so I didn't drive the van..Tuesday was cardiac rehab so we did some running while we were out. Wednesday I only drove the van to church and back..yesterday was cardiac rehab and I had a list this time so did things in order on the way home..Aldi's, CVS, Library, Bank, Town hall, Wegmans ...home. Got a new Town of Webster map so I can figure out what is with in a reasonable walk and bike ride. I probably won't ever get rid of my van but I should be able to cut down on the amount of gas I burn. The sun was shining so bright this morning I almost broke out in spring fever..I'm itching to do something outside. Unfortunately when we get out spring thaw I'm going to have a lake in the back yard and the front yard so it will be another week or so before I'll be able to get out and do anything. Every spring I get the urge to go new bike shopping but I know I don't really need one...well that and Ken did our taxes the other night and we owe the federal government $1000.00..and we haven't even done the state yet. We're afraid of my pension companies doesn't take state tax out of my check. And thanks to the new tax rate they're taking almost 3 times the taxes out of my check. One more charge card to pay off and then its work on the mortgage. I need to relieve this financial stress I'm feeling. Thought it was going to happen yesterday when I had a meeting with the mortgage guy at Chase but alas it was to good to be true. Refinancing would have cost me $2200-$2700 and would have only dropped my mortgage payment $60 a month. Oh well...we can make it the way things are as long as we don't have any major medical bills and my hubby can hold on to his job. Things are a little dicey there. But what ever...we've always made it before.
New nurse was just here...she told Mom...tada....lay off the salt...imagine..same thing all the rest of the nurses and the doctor's and the hospital staff have been telling her. So later its off to the store to buy Nu-Salt which apparently is the only acceptable salt substitute. I'm going through Hubby withdrawal...I want my hubby...less then 3 hours and he'll be on his way home.
New nurse was just here...she told Mom...tada....lay off the salt...imagine..same thing all the rest of the nurses and the doctor's and the hospital staff have been telling her. So later its off to the store to buy Nu-Salt which apparently is the only acceptable salt substitute. I'm going through Hubby withdrawal...I want my hubby...less then 3 hours and he'll be on his way home.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Trying to Catch up
Shortly after my last post Mom had a very bad time in which the home health care nurse called mom's doctor, which resulted in the doctor calling here and saying she wanted to see Mom the next day. We were no sooner in the room then Mom got very nauseated and started throwing up...Doc walked in said I'll be right back, walked out and a few minutes later came back in saying the ambulance was on its way. Mom spent about a week in the hospital during which time they changed her heart medicine. She has been getting better day by day since then. This past Tuesday she started Cardiac Rehab. She was afraid they were going to try pushing her beyond what she felt comfortable doing but they didn't. I think she's going to like it. Monday she had another appointment with her primary care physician in which she admitted that it might not be in her best interest to return to her former living arrangement for health reasons. It makes me happy that she's at least considering that possibility. He doesn't care enough for his own health to stop smoking so he certainly doesn't care for hers. That and the fact he's had 5 months to try and quit smoking and hasn't. Got the ok from my cardiologist in January to start exercising so the treadmill and I have been getting acquainted. An hour a day 6 days a week most of the time.Getting the exercising part have to get the not eating so much and eating more of the good foods down. Some days I do really really good and other times...well you know. We got our pistol permits in January...finally..took them 8 months to process them but we think they may have had to contact Ken's ex first...LOL Oh the hoops you have to jump through. Still haven't purchased pistols but Ken wants to shoot some first so I guess I'll have to be patient for a little while longer. Looking forward to my Shaun and Jen's wedding in April. Glad they've finally found happiness. Sun is shining brightly today..wishing it wasn't so cold out but it'll come in time.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
My New Rabbit Trail
So somehow or other I got directed to a documentary called, "No Impact Man". Wow... I've watched it twice and read his book by the same title. Lots to think about. Some of it I'm not sure I could do but there's quite a bit I could. My mind is almost a constant whirl thinking about it...what could I do would this affect our finances...and then there's the fact that probably my family would rebel against any attempts I made to simplify our lives. Things are not all well on the Mommy front. She's been really weak since her December hospital stay and has fallen a few times..Yesterday she couldn't get her right knee to support her but today seems to be doing a little better. I need to get her exercising more. All she wants to do is sleep but I think its because all she does is sleep. I'll be glad when the weather gets nicer so I can at least get her out into the yard in a lawn chair or laying the the hammock in the shade. Her dosage of Amiodarone has been halved so hopefully that will help her a little...she has an appointment with her Primary Care Physician the 25th so I'll be able to ask whether she still needs to be taking water pills...then she has a double appointment for Pulmonary the 27th which is also her 76th birthday. A pulmonary function test in the morning and then I'm thinking we'll do lunch and then the actual appointment with the pulmonary doctor in the afternoon..Its going to be a very long day for her but she's gonna have to tough it out. Other then that...not much going on. Still loving the snow we've been getting.
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