Monday, August 8, 2011

Trying to catch up....again

Just can't seem to keep up on my blog...not much going on really..its been so dry that the gardens really aren't doing much..finally pulled the lettuce that had bolted...almost an entire bed..I really gotta not plant so much at 3 zucchini off the plant so far. A few tomatoes..really dissapointed because last year I put crumbled egg shells around the plants before I mulched them with grass clippings and had no blossom end rot..this year I forgot and almost everyone of them has had it...not a big deal...I just cut off that end and use the remainder in our tossed salads. Tried filling a new bed with a "Square Foot Gardening" soil mix..must have used a wrong ingredient because althought the 2 pepper plants I planted in it are huge that's all they are are plants...not a blossom...not a peper..the basil did well but that's gone to seed now too. Got enough green beans and peas to make a few meals so that was good. I've gone through phases where first I'm on the computer all day and do hardly anything else and other phases where all I want to do is read and hardly anything else...right now I'm in a reading phase...books on solar power...Beverly Lewis books...and my newest love....Wanda Brunstetter library had one of her 4 book series in one book...that's what I'm devouring now...I read the equivelent of the first book yesterday....well...all but about 20 pages which I finished this morning and started the second book. I've been feeling kind of yucky the last 3 days..slight fever, sore throat, loss of I went to Rochester Immediate Care..your ER alternative. Cost me $50 to have them tell me I have a viral no antibiotics. But at least I know its not strep which is what I was worried about. The PA told me another week or so and I should be over it...great ! Today I have to go to Albion to a funeral viewing for my 60 year old cousin who died of a heart attack Sunday night...I hate funerals. Tomorrow is the funeral service and then its off to Warsaw to pick up my Sister so she can spend some time with my Mommy while Hubbs and I go out of town for a overnight. We're going to LaFargeville,NY to watch a guy from church race..As its right around the corner...well a country corner...from my son's place we're going to crash there overnight and then come home Saturday. Well..guess that's it for I go to do something...or just lay here and read for a while longer. ;-)

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