Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4,2011

Well to start out...Mom's cardiac rehab is going well. Gets her out of the house twice a week and she's getting exercise. Got my dress for Shaun and Jen's wedding. Still need to get shoes. Read a couple of books on less car more alternative transportation. Other then Mom's doctors and now rehab I could do it. Slowly going to work myself into not driving the van as much. So far this week I've done pretty good...Rode around with Nicole Monday so I didn't drive the van..Tuesday was cardiac rehab so we did some running while we were out. Wednesday I only drove the van to church and back..yesterday was cardiac rehab and I had a list this time so did things in order on the way home..Aldi's, CVS, Library, Bank, Town hall, Wegmans ...home. Got a new Town of Webster map so I can figure out what is with in a reasonable walk and bike ride. I probably won't ever get rid of my van but I should be able to cut down on the amount of gas I burn. The sun was shining so bright this morning I almost broke out in spring fever..I'm itching to do something outside. Unfortunately when we get out spring thaw I'm going to have a lake in the back yard and the front yard so it will be another week or so before I'll be able to get out and do anything. Every spring I get the urge to go new bike shopping but I know I don't really need one...well that and Ken did our taxes the other night and we owe the federal government $1000.00..and we haven't even done the state yet. We're afraid of my pension companies doesn't take state tax out of my check. And thanks to the new tax rate they're taking almost 3 times the taxes out of my check. One more charge card to pay off and then its work on the mortgage. I need to relieve this financial stress I'm feeling. Thought it was going to happen yesterday when I had a meeting with the mortgage guy at Chase but alas it was to good to be true. Refinancing would have cost me $2200-$2700 and would have only dropped my mortgage payment $60 a month. Oh well...we can make it the way things are as long as we don't have any major medical bills and my hubby can hold on to his job. Things are a little dicey there. But what ever...we've always made it before.

New nurse was just here...she told Mom...tada....lay off the salt...imagine..same thing all the rest of the nurses and the doctor's and the hospital staff have been telling her. So later its off to the store to buy Nu-Salt which apparently is the only acceptable salt substitute. I'm going through Hubby withdrawal...I want my hubby...less then 3 hours and he'll be on his way home.

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