Yeah it works!!!!!!!!!!!! Though it took me a while to figure out how to rearrange stuff coz it put the pics above the words I had typed..Oh well like I said it'll take me awhile to figure it out. These are 3 pictures of 2 of my 3 raised beds. In the first are egg plants and the one behind that all you can see are the soybeans but there are tomatoes behind them. The 2nd pic isthe soybeans again. The 3 rd pic is the back of the soybean bed and my scrawny little tomatoes coz I've never grown soybeans before and how was I supposed to know they'd get that big?
So last night my mom calls and says...guess what I've been doing? Ok so I have absolutely no clue. She was chasing a chipmunk around in the house. Finally she went out and got the mother cat who in 2 seconds flat removed said chipmunk from said house...Last my mom knew one of the kittens was carrying it around by its little head.
Today, I got up at my usual 5:00 AM...yes I know I'm nuts. Did my devotions, made Ken's lunch, blanched the soybeans Jen and I picked yesterday, washed, blanched, diced, boiled, and canned 8 pints of tomatoes...Experiment failed. I buy diced tomatoes all the time well....home dicing and canning didn't work for me....I have 8 pint jars with the bottom half of the jar pink water and the top half tomato mush. So next time I'll just can them whole (which I've done successfully) and dice them when I'm ready to use them. Oh yeah...and I made a batch of spaghetti sauce.
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