Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week so far

The Mother Daughter Banquet Saturday night was very good. Supper included..mixed vegetables, little potatoes, roast beef, chicken, rice, tossed salad, biscuits and jello..The message was very good and then we had cake. Lets just say I left there stuffed. Sunday was church and the choir leader is finally back from his 2 week vacation to the Outer Banks so we had choir practice. Monday was my birthday so I took it easy...I only did the laundry and hung it out AND mowed the lawn. Then Ken and Jen took me to the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday supper. OK I've done it and it doesn't matter to me if I ever go there again...Its very high priced. Ken kept saying yeah but they're famous for their cheesecake...I don't like cheesecake but it was nice of him to take me. Came home and started to watch TV when I looked at him and said," I think you should go to Mona Lisa and get me some Festa cake." Which he did...he's such a sweety. Oh and I got flowers....they were delivered and the card wasn't signed. So I called the floral shop that delivered them and they said no...there was no name and they'd gotten the order from the internet. At 3:30 this morning when I couldn't sleep I got up and signed on line...an e-mail from Heather...ummmm I think we forgot to sign the card but we hope you liked the flowers..Mystery solved...A order of flowers ordered from Iraq. She also said the temperature there has been between 114-117. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want warm but not that warm. Today I went over and baby sat for a couple of hours for my hair dresser. I got an 8 pack of cinnamon buns, 2 packages of ravioli, 2 boxes of cereal, 2 pints of black berries..plus I ate a fruit mix while I was there...and 3 - 8 oz. packages of muushrooms...and I get my hair and Jen's hair done tomorrow. Now I'm sitting here wondering what to do coz I did all my work yesterday...........

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