Monday, May 4, 2009

Continuing on with life

Friday afternoon I ended up mowing the front and side yards.Then at 5:00 Jen and I had eye appointments. Yes I need glasses..Only for reading and night driving. So I ordered no line bifocals...LOL..this oughta be fun. Also because of the diabetes they want to do a dialation test which I needed somebody to drive afterwards so I scheduled that for Tuesday when Ken has his eye exam. I probably could have walked and then walked home...Empire vision is at the other end of the plaza at the corner...but you never know what the weather is going to be like. Jen only needs them for really close up stuff like reading music when she's practicing. Saturday Jen and I went grocery shopping, ate lunch, I finished mowing the lawn and then we went to Bauman's where I bought 6 broccoli and 6 roma tomato plants and to Harris Garden where I bought 25 onion bulbs and 6 marigold plants. Planted all but the tomatos..gonna wait a couple more days to make sure we don't get any freak frost. Yesterday was church. Nicole and I made a run to Lowe's so she could get some paint samples. Came home from church last night and had a hot and ready from Little Caesars and ice cream. Amazingly my sugar levels have been really low the last couple of days. No rhyme and reason to my sugar levels. When I think they should be high they're low and when I think they should be low they're high. Today I got up and made Ken's coffee, lunch and breakfast. Got the garbage together...its trash day. Did 3 loads of laundry and hung them out on the line...3rd week of 30 minutes instead of 3 hours of dryer time..yeah!!! Then loaded a box each for Shaun and Heather into my little 2 wheeled cart and walked down to the post office and mailed them. I'm trying to see how few miles I can drive this month..So far its May 1st 14.4 miles....May 2nd 13.5 miles..I didn't drive at all yesterday...Ken or Nicole van stayed in the driveway...and I don't think I'll be driving today. Tomorrow however I'm going to my Mom's and that's 120 miles round trip.I'm going to see if Ken will change vehicles with me and I'll give him the gas money Mom usually gives me..if she gives me gas money. That's no money out of my pocket and very few miles on the van...well..certainly less then 120. There is so much with in a mile of my house that with the right stuff I shouldn't have to drive much. Walking....or riding my bike is good for me. It will be the exercise I need everyday. So I guess that's it for I go to catch up on 3 days worth of e-mail.

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