Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

First off....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! I tried to call my Mommy but she's sleeping...Lucky ducky. Thursday I went to the dentist for a filling...thats about all I managed. Did do some walking around Walmart, stopped and put some gas in the van and then came home and waited for my mouth to thaw out. Friday I went out and put my solar lights in my gardens...walked to Petsmart to get a new bubbler stone for the fish tank..walked over to Target to get some pics made for Judy but their instant machine was down so I just walked around looking at stuff...walked to Walgreens and made the pics for Judy and then walked home and had lunch. Got tired of just sitting around so I went out and mowed the lawn. Looks like it needs it again already. Hubby and I went to the Blue Cactus in Fairport. Its a Mexican was pretty good though expensive. Still waiting for Monte Alban to open in Webster. Went to church and helped Nicole with Kidz Club. She's so good with them..she was really meant to be a teacher. After RU Ken, Jen and I went to Perkins. I was still kinda full from supper...ummmm and the 3 muskateers bar and M&M's I had at church so I shared an appetizer sampler with Ken. Saturday Ken had to work because of commencement at Nazareth. I took off and went with Nicole to pick up Judy and bring her into the city to spend the day with Tina. I'm so glad they're making an effort to patch things up. Tina,Judy,Nicole,I and Tina's kids Olivia, Brooke and Ryan went to the Lilac Festival..we no sooner got there then it started raining. At 2:00 we decided to take off. Nicole and I had to leave anyway coz she had to be to work at 4:00. Walking back to the cars it started raining huge drops of water. We thought at first it was hailing but then realized it was rain. We got drenched. I mean rain running down our faces, clothes actually dripping water drenched. Luckily Nicole and I can fit into the same clothes pretty much so she lent me a skirt and a sweatshirt when we got back to her house. Then we decided to go out to lunch as we haven't done that since she changed jobs so we went to Webster and ate at Salad's Etc. She had a panini I had a wrap. Then she took off for work and I went home. Ken was home when I got here. Shortly after I got home his cell phone rang. I could hear him in the other room..." NO!!!!!!!!!!!! You're kidding!!!!!!!!!!! That's awful!!!!!!
Seems the high winds we had Saturday blew the tent down..The news said 3 workers and 1 visitor hurt. Apparently the ground there is mostly sand and it pulled the tent stakes right out of the ground. Luckily commencement was over. Supper was Subway subs and Starvin Marvin chicken wings..I've been hungry for chicken wings for so long. This morning Hubby went to Wegmans and got donuts and bagels for breakfast and now he's in the process of making me lunch..Skewered something cooked on the grill. Don't care what it is..just care that I don't have to cook it. So I heard there was the threat of a frost tonight so I had to go out and cover my broccoli and lettuce. Now if only lunch would get ready...I'm starved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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