Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'll try....

Wow..I haven't posted a real post since April..Life has be C-R-A-Z-Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister's boyfriend having surgery, Shaun coming home, Nicole leaving to move to Tennessee.It's been a time of emotions and busyiness. So Shaun was home from May 3rd until May 27th. We were so busy seeing people and golfing every Monday and just hanging out. Nicole left the 16th of May for Tennessee..I still miss her incredibly.She's coming home for a visit in September though !!! I can't wait !!!!! Memorial Week end...Saturday we planted tomatoes,broccoli,sweet corn in the big grow bed. I planted 2 with a beef steak tomato and the other with a cherry tomato..and a third pot with 3 pepper plants. Also in the bed that had lettuce and spinach in it I planted 6 pepper plants. Monday we walked down to the village and watched the Webster Memorial Day parade, then went to Genesse Country Museum and walked around for a while. Jen and her son Taylor met us there...At 3 Ken and our Jen played in the Webster Village Band concert at GCM..they do that every Memorial Day...then the 5 of us drove into Batavia and had supper at Applebee's. Tuesday morning Ken left to go to work and discovered somebody had gone through his car..they stole a bunch of change and his key ring which had house keys, work keys and my extra van key on it. So instead of going to work he changed all the locks in the house, replaced our outside lights with motion sensor lights and replaced the ceiling fan in the bed room. Wednesday I did laundry and mowed the lawn. Thursday I went and picked up Jen and we went to Tully's for lunch and ate ice cream and hung out. Friday I got my hair done and hung out with my Auntie for a little while. Friday night I got my grandkids and Saturday we went to a graduation party. When we got home there was a message on the answering machine from the Pittsford Petco saying somebody had found our keys..It was the lady next door. Her son had found them Friday afternoon when he was mowing lawn under a bush on the other side of their property from our house. Apparently whoever took them threw them under the bush on their way down the road. Unfortunately my van key was missing. So there...I've caught up for the time being...

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