Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Well here it first post of 2010. Hope you all had a happy and uneventful new years celebration. We spent ours as church. First we did "Buy a song" praises..tell everybody what you're thankful for from the year and get to pick a song out of the hymnal. Mine of course was the fact that Shaun ( my 30 year old son ) came home form Iraq safely and that he was able to come to NY for Christmas. I think its only the 2nd time he's been here for Christmas in the 7 years he's been in the army. Then one of the junior pastors gave a devotional on what we strive for in 2010. Eventually he'd like to start a church in the city but he's still in training right now. Then there were snacks and either games or a movie. Hubby and I chose to watch the movie..It was good. It was called Saving God..about a preacher who was trying to get his Daddy's old church going again after having been in jail for losing his temper and killing his friend. The church was in a drug infested neighborhood. Excellent excellent movie. Then we watched the ball drop and came home. Fortunate for us we only live 5 miles from church. We only passed 3 or 4 cars but I was still very nervous until we got home. Woke up this morning and Hubs and I laid in bed watching the Today Show. Some chef was on there making Lemon Chicken...I said, " Hm..that sounds good" I made some for lunch. Waiting for the rice to get done so we can eat. Last night...or this morning...when we got home from church I opened up my pension direct deposit statement..ummmmm where's my money. I hope this new pension company hurrys up and sends me the rest of my money coz $90 isn't gonna pay for much..its only a tenth of my mortgage payment. The leg is still sore..and the black and blue has extended..It looks like I got run over by a mack truck..but the initial spot is starting to turn yellow so that's a good sign. to see if the rice is done yet.

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