Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snowing and other stuff

So the Lemon Chicken wasn't all that great. So that recipe is gone. Just kinda hung out at the house New Years Day and watched movies. Saturday Shaun, Nicole and Jim came over...and then Sammy brought the kids over so they could see Shaun before he left. Fortunately I'd bought a Stouffers Lasagna. I fed 7 adults and 4 kids with it. Everybody left and I decided maybe I should get the leg looked at so we dropped Jen off at a friend's house and we took off for Highland Hospital. We sat in the waiting room 4 hours. Finally got in to be seen. Had several x-rays taken..hip, knee and toe to make sure nothing was broken or fractured..It isn't..Just a deep tissue contusion aka bruise. So Hubby and I got to spend 6 hours of quality time together at Highland Hospital. Shaun's flights went without a hitch..He texted me when he got to Denver. Ken,Jen and I are flying to Colorado Springs in March to see him. I can't wait. It will probably be our last trip to Colorado as he goes to school in Missouri from the end of May until the middle of August and then probably will be stationed in Virginia. Today is a major snow storm...sorry but I have to say....I LOVE IT !!!!! We went to church this morning no problem. Thought we might have trouble getting out of the driveway but we didn't..despite the drifts. Ken made mystery skillet for lunch. He does that every once in a while. It was rice, mushrooms and hamburger...then he added other things and I'm supposed to guess what it is...I don't even long as it tastes good...and it always does I just eat.

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