Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Still alive but barely

So Sunday was uneventful except for me pulling open the door of the auditorium at church and smashing the baby toe on my left foot...I had open toed shoes on..and Ken getting a migraine. Monday Jen and I went over to Nicole's to put up her curtains that she got for Christmas...3 dining room chairs spaced across the window so I didn't have to keep moving the chair. Well turns out that wasn't such a good idea. Jen and Nicole were watching the kittens playing in the tub when I stepped from one chair to the next and as my weight shifted the chair went over and I went down. My left leg slid down the chair that fell over and I whacked my head on the chair on the end. Fortunately it was well padded and though I had a headache for a little while I didn't really get much of a bruise..The same can not be said for my leg. I have a very large, about the size of a romance novel paperback book, bruise on my left leg from my knee up. 48 hours later and it still hurts but I'm expecting it to for a while. Even though Nicole wanted me to stop I finished putting up the curtains, 2 windows worth, coz I knew if I stopped it wouldn't get done. Then we went to Bed,Bath and Beyond and got her a new duvet cover for her bed. Tuesday..Jen and I went grocery shopping..came home and Ken called asking if I would run his Excederin Migraine meds to him...Did that and then went over to Nicole's to hang out with her for a little while before dropping her off at work. She let Shaun borrow her car...she's such a good sissy. Today Jen and I so far have just hung out at home watching movies...though we did finally get the leaves out of the table. With the leaves in its 8 foot when we take the leaves out it looks tiny for a little while. We were waiting for the UPS truck to get here to drop off the Colts Hoodie I got Nicole for Christmas that wasn't shipped until Monday. We were watching Christmas Shoes. Its a very sad movie and we're sitting there crying saying, " I hope the UPS truck doesn't show up now." and "Stupid Hallmark Movies"...when I hear the familiar sound of a truck pulling up in front of the house..Me-"Nuts..its the UPS truck" Jen-"Guy or girl?" Me-"Girl" Jen-" Oh, she'll understand". We waited for her to leave before opening the door and grabbing the package. I just got this hankering for chicken noodle soup so remembering I saw a package of the dry stuff that you just add water to I went looking for it in the cupboard. Found smells so good...gotta go eat some...

1 comment:

pelenaka said...

I did one better than you ... I used my 60 year old formica kitchen table as a stepping stone. I as I walked along the kitchen counter with my left leg I walked along the table with my right til one of the chrome legs snapped off.
Oh & I had a can of that spray foam insulation in my hand to boot. Was filling the gap between the ceiling & the cupbords. Nasty bruise on my hip but my table is broke.

Stay warm & Happy New Years!