Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today's Webster Update

Dec 9 8:05 AM

Woke up at 4:30 AM to the sound of ice pellets hitting the window. Got up to answer nature's call to see a white lawn. A walk down the hall to look out the living room window showed the possibility of at least one pass by a snowplow,though its really hard to tell when all you have is a few porch lights in the neighborhood and the glow of the nearby shopping plaza. Climb back into bed and listen to more ice pellets hitting the window. Switch the TV to channel 10 to catch the 5:00 AM news. Nothing major that I can discern. Just our first real snow of the season.

YIPEE!!!!!!!! Thank you Shaun. He texted me yesterday and said they'd closed down Fort Carson and were sending everybody home because they were having a blizard so he was done for the day. I asked him to send some. The Hubby and I went and got gas for the generator last night because they were calling for ice. A sure way for continued electrical service is for me to be prepared to not have any.

Alarm went off at 6:30 AM, got up, turned on the living room TV and proceeded to do the things I do in the morning. Make Ken's coffe,start his breakfast and pack his lunch pail. I made hamburger gravy for supper Monday and we had alot left over so I've been having that on toast for breakfast. Put my toast in the toaster,put the hamburger gravy in the microwave. Jen's standing by the door waiting for the bus....
The electricity goes out,flickers on, goes out. Time: Approximately 6:55 AM. Fortunately for me I have 3 full sized flashlights, loaded, AND I know where they are. Walk back to the bedroom to find Hubby groping in the dark trying to find his work shirt (which was on the dining room table..teheee) so he could find his cell phone and call his work mate to let him know he might be a little late so he could make sure the generator would start. Until last night I had 2 empty gas cans and the generator was dry. I told him just put in a splash of gas and get it started the first time. Furnace shuts back to 60 during the day anyway and soon it would be light enough to see to read. Generator runs. Got out the oil lamps and trimmed the wicks. Hmmm...need lamp oil. Less then half full for both. The good thing about things like this is you find out what you're lacking. Like a small AM radio so you can find out what's going on in the world.

List: Lamp Oil
Transistor Radio

Phone still works though living room phone is cordless which means useless if the electricity goes out. But computer room phone and bedroom phone both work. And my cell phone works, though I didn't charge it last night.

9:00 AM

Electricity just came back on. Total time without electricity.. 2 hours 5 minutes. Experience....priceless. And I've charged my cell phone.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

oh mommy...I love you!!!