Monday, December 7, 2009


I figured out this is the first day I've been alone since November 24th. Its been a very busy 12 days. Saturday we ended up not doing much but chilling. Sunday was church. It was the first Sunday of the month so I got to work in the nursery with all the babies...well...all 3 of them. Lots of sickness going around. I actually took a nap yesterday afternoon. First time in a long time for that. It felt good. Figured I wouldn't be able to sleep last night coz that's usually what happens when I take a nap but I didn't lay there long before it was lights out for me. Got up at 2:30 to go to the bathroom and as I sometimes do decided to wander through the house and see what was going on. Walked out of the bathroom, started down the hall, looked out the window just in time to see a deer walking across the neighbors yard. I hope he doesn't find my wheat field. Yes wheat field..LOL. I'll post a couple of pics so you can see it.

Top two are the actual field...LOL...yeah I know techncially 2' X 12' isn't considered a field but humor me. Bottom 2 are the actual wheat plants. Just trying to see if I can actually grow it. I like to grow stuff just to see if it will grow. Once pre-Nicole I grew peanuts...yes they actually grew. Instructions for finishing were...pull them, place some where to dry but not get frosted on..pulled plants...put them on top of a metal shed I had and that night we got our first frost. Experiment a success up until I pulled them. I've grown dry beans....pintos , blacks, garbanzo...tried light pinks this year but got them in to late, soybeans. I'm pretty confident that if push came to shove I could grow most of our food. Minus meat of course. Though there are alot of squirrels around thanks to our neighbor having bird feeders out...and there is that deer though I'm not sure how we'd make it edible as I'm pretty sure the neighhbors would have a problem with us discharging fire arms...though it they were hungry enough....
Today I'm doing laundry. I have the last load in the washer. 2nd load in the dryer. First load folded. I also cut up some celery and carrots I had kicking the fridge and have them in the dehydrator drying. Its nice to make homemade soup and just grab handful of dried veggies and throw it in. No wondering if the vegetables in the fridge are still good or having to run to the store because I realize I don't have any veggies to throw in. So I guess that's it for me for now...I'm definitely staying busy..till next time.

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