Friday, October 16, 2009

Still alive and catching up

Wow..when life gets busy it gets busy..where do I start? Pulled 2 of my cabbage I cooked with turkey bacon and added cider vinegar and splenda...I love that stuff and its so low carb. The other I sliced thin and in the dehydrator. I went down this morning and stirred it up a little so it doesn't get all stuck together. Finally did laundry yesterday...almost 2 weeks again. Between having the grand kids Monday, rain lots of days and all the other stuff that's been going on I just haven't had time. I did hang my clothes out yesterday but I'll tell you by the time I was done my fingers were a little cold. Next week I'm going to try using rubber gloves like you use for washing least my fingers won't get wet. I'm going to get some pvc pipe and fittings,make a frame,cover them with plastic and make solar heat collectors for the hall and bathroom windows to try and capture some free heat this winter..well as long as the sun shines. Still need to get my batteries for my solar system..There never seems to be enough money to do all I want to do. Monday I'm going out to Orleans County to meet with a 2nd cousin on my Dad's side who I haven't seen since Shaun was little..well unless you count the 5 seconds I saw her my Uncle's funeral and that was when I lived in Albion. Also gonna visit my Aunt Marge while I'm there. Hoping to take some pictures and post them either here or on facebook..facebook is easier and faster but we'll see. Oh Oh Oh...I've so been wanting to get a trailer to pull behind my bicycle...they are so expensive..well a couple of weeks ago the lady I babysit for on Tuesday stopped me in church and said she had something for me at her house...seems they were going somewhere and around the corner from their house a guy her husband knows was putting his out in the trash..nothing wrong with it...he was moving and didn't want it anymore....score a big one for Diane...she picked it up for me...those things go for over $100. YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Still haven't hooked it to my bike and pulled it yet but its supposed to be nice next week so maybe I'll try it then. Life is is good. So I guess that's it for now..I'll definitely post next week about my trip to Orleans County and memory lane...sigh

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