Sunday, October 18, 2009

So far and beyond....

Friday I ended up going to school and driving for the field trip to Long Acre Farms Corn Maze in Macedon. I drove girls but I got to chaperone boys..A 54 year old woman should not be chasing teen age boys through a corn maze. I must say I got a good work out. Saturday we got up at 6:00 AM to go give blood. That's a half hour earlier then I get up during the week. Go to Perinton and find out that since we've given the last time they've changed the guidelines and Jen is no longer eligible to give blood because she doesn't weigh enough. She was bummed. Ken and I gave..we were out of there by a little after 8:00 so we stopped at a restaurant in Fairport for breakfast. Came home and climbed back into bed just after 9:30. Slept really hard until Nicole called at 11:30. Got up and sat around for a half hour to get my head cleared out and then took off for Penfield library to pick up a couple of books. One on how the Amish survive without electricity and another that's supposedly going to demystify solar electricity. Me and my solar fetish. Watched Texas beat Oklahoma and then Florida beat Arizona.. I hear Miami beat Central Florida so all in all it was a good college football day...well unless you like the beaten teams. Then we went out to supper. I just felt very tired and lazy yesterday and didn't feel like cooking. Luckily the Hubby was feeling the same way. Came home..took a shower and washed my hair, watched alittle more TV and then went to bed. I've got a busy week ahead. Tomorrow ( Monday ) I'm going to Medina to see my cousin and then to see my Aunt. I've got a pork roast thawing so I can throw it in the crockpot tomorrow morning coz I don't know if I'm going to be home in time for supper. And even if I am I'm not gonna feel like cooking...LOL. Tuesday morning I watch my hairdresser's kids and then maybe get my hair done...but I'm not sure because I promised Nicole I'd take her to the corn maze at Wickham Farm's Tuesday..drat..I'm double booked. Wednesday morning is Doctor and Dentist. Thursday I may be going out to get a cup of coffee with my Reformer's Unanimous counsel leader and one of the ladies from our group who hasn't been there in a while. Friday afternoon I get my grand kids... I need a vacation. So that's it for now..I'll blog more about each day hopefully the same day it happens but maybe not...

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