Sunday, February 21, 2010

Long time

didn't realize it had been that long since I've posted..things have really been busy here...running my Mom and Sister to lots of doctors appointments and my own. Taking the Auntie to the dentist and baby sitting. Last Wednesday I went and picked up my Mom and brought her to the house. Thursday morning she had to be at the lab early for blood tests. Then we did breakfast, went and picked up my aunt and took them out to see their brother, stopped and got lunch on the way home,played alittle bit of cards then came home and had supper and watched Survivor. Friday was Mom's surgery. We were at Unity at 6:30 and out of there around 10. Mom is staying the whole week end with us. Sammie dropped the grandkids off Friday afternoon so I had Mom AND the grandkids. We had a blast. Taught Kayla how to play Skip-Bo. She's got the game down but she still needs to figure out the strategy. They're all growing like weeds. Today is Church, take the kids home, go pick up my sister as her and my Mom both have doctors appointments tomorrow,church and then come home and collapse. Its been a very busy week. I have this next week of (so far) not much going on and then the 4th of March we fly to Colorado for the a long week end to see Shaun..we'll be back on the 8th...late. It probably will be our last trip to Colorado as Shaun goes to MP school in May and he's not sure where he'll be stationed after that. He's thinking either Fort Drum in Watertown or Fort Lee in Virginia. Either way it puts him closer to home. So I guess that's it for now..I need to start breakfast..I have a crew to feed here.

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