Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Morning Ramblings

Well...I've been up since 4:00 AM. Just couldn't sleep anymore. Yesterday I worked out as usual and then got home to remember that I had to handle the unpleasant task of going to town hall and telling them I couldn't renew Amee's license because she died last September. I don't know why its still so hard to think about but I cried all the way home. I miss her. So I just got home again and got a phone call from a lady at church that she didn't know how to get the DVD to work at the house of the lady I baby sit for sometimes. I wasn't sure either because they got a new TV but I know how our's works so I went over and figured it out for her. Then I sat and talked with her for a while. Sometimes we just need somebody to sit and listen while we pour our hearts out...I was the listener. Made supper which consisted of boneless skinless chicken breast in Garlic and Herb marinade, a broccoli,cauliflower,carrot veggie mix and white cheddar shells. Also tossed salads for the Hubbs and I as I had a partial bag of salad mix that needed to be used up. They had a Survivor preview show on and you know I had to watch that. Survivor starts next Thursday !!!!!!!! I can't wait. Sat in bed with the heating pad on my bruised leg ( still is tender ) and finished up my Ben and Jerry's. Ah...the life of luxury. Today's plans are work out and then heading over to my cousin's house to spend the day with her and my Auntie. Tomorrow's plans I believe involve grocery shopping and a basketball game at Nazareth College. Hubbs works there and live basketball is about the only basketball I can handle. Football is my game...which reminds me....SUPERBOWL !!!!!!!!!!! Come on Indy. I really only like them because the QB is Peyton Manning who was the QB for the University of Tennessee..which is where my Mother in law works. She's a recovery room nurse at UT Hospital. So it looks like an action packed week end for me.

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