Sunday, October 5, 2008

Catching up

Wow..its hard to believe its been a week since I've posted a blog...Things have been crazy around here. Tuesday I went to my Mom's and helped her take in her lawn ornaments...then we picked up the stuff she'd cut out of her flower beds and took it and the garbage to the burn pile. A friend of my Mom's boyfriend had cut up some branches that were out there so I threw the brush on the pile and set it on fire...the garden clippings were to wet to burn so probably all that burned was the garbage. Tuesday afternoon I went and picked up my sister to stay overnight at my house because her boy friend was having prostate surgery. We spent almost the entire day at the hospital Wednesday. Thursday he got out of the hospital so I took her home. Thursday night was the Webster Village Band Banquet. It was the first year I've gone. The food was excellent and we were gifted a video CD of the band concerts from this past year by one of the new members. It was awesome. Friday I had to run out to Albion for a funeral viewing and then Friday night was RU. Early Saturday morning I met some of the girls from my Friday night counsel group for breakfast. That was fun to get a chance to sit around and talk. Saturday after breakfast it was off to church for our girl's soccer tournament. Our school won....Yeah....go Tigers!!!!!!!! Then it was home and a 3 hour nap. I'm telling you it was a busy week and I was exhausted. I got an e-mail from Shaun this afternoon. He's doing good and working hard...still no address for him but I hope it comes soon.

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