Thursday, November 5, 2009


Well lets see...I left on Friday being frustrated for not being able to get anything done....Saturday we went grocery shopping and then at night we had to go to a leaders meeting for Reformers Unanimous. Sunday was church. Monday Ken went to work and then called me and said he didn't feel good and he was coming home. Got him into bed and popped a movie in the DVD player for him. I don't think he saw past the opening credits before he was snoring. I went out and started mowing up leaves in the front yard and emptying them in the compost bin. Then I went out back and started mowing the lawn. Before I finished Ken came out and said he couldn't sleep anymore and he started cleaning out the gutters. Finished the lawn and Jen got home...She and I got the rest of the gardens cleaned out and pulled our mini carrots. Ken and I got the cabbage pulled, trimmed and put in the garage. Tuesday Ken went to work to teach a class and came home after still not feeling well. Jen and I watched TV and Ken played his computer game on the laptop at the dining room table..It was fun to have us all together in the same room for a change.I wasn't feeling to good Tuesday either..not really sick..just a low grade fever. Wednesday I had to take Auntie to the doctor. We picked Nicole up after the doctors appointment and Auntie took us out to lunch...which I neglected to say "Thank you" for...
THANK YOU AUNTIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nicole and I had a blast spending time with you.Got her home and found out she had another doctor appointment today..Nicole offered to take her...I"m so grateful because I woke up with a fever again...and feel like I'm getting a cold. Feeling alittle better again so lets hope I"m done with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this Diane. Hope you`re feeling better.
.....Donna K.