Monday, November 17, 2008

Not even gonna try

LOL..I'm not even going to try and catch up with what's been going on since November 4th.Coz I probably won't remember half of it. My guy didn't win in the election.. Had the grandkids this past week end.. Dang I love those little stinkers. I'm just amazed that they've finally gotten to the age where they can carry on conversations. Not that I always understand everything they say but most of the time I can. Like Ian constantly reminding me we need goldfish..the crackers...not the real wiggly little thing. LOL. Kayla is getting to be such a little lady. And Colin...he's the silly eye rolling one. I had a hard time getting a picture of the 3 of them to send Shaun coz he was always rolling his eyes everytime I tried to take the picture. But I finally got a half way decent one. It snowed hard enough this morning that we had snow on the ground but its gone already. Nicole and I saw each other 5 days in a row last week.. Usually we see each other Wednesday , Friday and Sunday,..but last week we snuck in Thursday and Saturday too. This morning I did the laundry and vaccumed and picked up some of the clutter on the floor..I feel very accomplished. Guess that's to upload a couple of pics.....or won't let me upload pics for some reason... ok yes it will but only one at a time...Are you as confused as me yet??

Colin, Ian and Kayla

James and Kayla

Colin and Ian

The snow that temporarily visited this morning

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Aside from the adorably children that you are displaying TAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out my latest blog to get it