Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life goes on.....

Life has been pretty same old same old lately..Hubby was off 2 weeks from work because of tennis elbow..I'm not gonna was nice having him home. Other then that its been taking care of Mom and doing the stuff around the house that's needed doing..mowing the lawn, doing the that its supposed to get cold the garden is going crazy but a little to late I'm afraid. I may cover with plastic and try to squeeze some more tomatoes out of her. The youngest is in college now. She's finding its a little harder then high school but I think she'll get it. She has an interview at MickyD's today. We'll see how that goes. Other then that not much else going on. Just finished another Dave Ramsey book..that man is motivational..getting yourself set financially. So I've got my initial emergency fund and am now working on my debt snowball. Actually I may be able to wipe that out shortly...then it'll be getting my 3-6 months emergency fund built up and on to retirement savings and then paying off my mortgage. Right now I'm reading a book called Mini Farming or something like that. Guess that's it for now...ciao