Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm alive

So many days since my last blog post...So much going on. Spent alot of time at the hospital with family as a dear friend is going through a rough time. Other then that I went to the Fairport Library one day last week and read magazines and then checked out 2 books. The first was " One Second After", a sci-fi/survivalist kind of book. It was good and gave me much to think about. The other is a book on making bread from whole wheat. Oh..speaking of whole wheat. I had gotten some winter wheat from my Mom's a year ago and as my raspberries didn't make it and I had the ground already dug up we planted them a couple of weeks ago and put glass over the bed because we'd gotten them in late. Some of them are actually growing..its kind of cool. We'll see if they come back in after the snow melts next spring. Yesterday I scrubbed Ken's and my bathroom..I mean really scrubbed...took me well over an hour. Today I'm paying for it...My muscles aren't used to all that work. Yesterday I went grocery shopping. I've got all the stuff we need for Ken's lunches for the next 2 weeks plus. With all the sickness going around I wanted to be able to not go the grocery store for 2 weeks if need be. Also the freezers are full so we should be good for a while. I'm thinking its about time to get a big pot of soup going again. Thanksgiving is coming up...we got our turkey...actually we have 2 turkeys but I'm only cooking one. Ken's work gives their employees a turkey every year and the guy Ken works with didn't want one so he said we could have it. I don't turn down free food. So we got 2 16-20 pound turkeys and 2 boxes of StoveTop Turkey Stuffing. to get ready for church.

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